If books are not good company, where will I find it? -Mark Twain

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's All About the People

So, there are those that claim librarians are in the book business and there are those that argue that we are really in the information business. I say we are really in the people business. Yes, we know books and we are trained in techniques to make the hunt for information efficient and effective...but we do this to help people. At the end of a typical work day I go home hoarse and tired because I have talked with so many people. Some of the interactions are simple and brief. Some, more like a brief conversation with a friend...and some patrons will be with me for twenty minutes or a half hour because of some complicated reference question...or sometimes just because they are feeling lonely or scared. The people business.

I think everyone who has worked in a library has come to know the people that frequent the location well. There are the patrons that cause staff to scatter when they walk through the door but then there are those wonderful regulars who you come to love. I had the good fortune of running into one such patron this week. Several years ago, when I was a lowly library aide, there was a grandmother who would come in every week and read stories to her grandson. I would usually be nearby shelving books, and would enjoy the stories almost as much as her grandson, who was about two at the time. I would help them find books, and talk to both of them every week. Then I was promoted, and moved to another location. I thought of them often and wondered what they were both up to. Yesterday, I was subbing at that location, and went into our community room to do a head-count for an irish dance demonstration. I came face to face with a woman, who smiled when our eyes met. She said her name and I immediately went back to those days of "Curious George" and "Henry and Mudge." She remembered my name (wow!) and mentioned that her grandson was now finishing first grade and is one of the top readers in his class. It was hugs all around and comments about how much I enjoyed her stories and how grown up her grandson was. We had a very nice chat, I helped her grandson find some books just like old times, and then they were off.

For all of you out there, take heart: we do touch lives. We provide an important service for PEOPLE and make their lives a little better. Yesterday, was a very good day - I'm going to hold on to that feeling and it will get me though the not-so-good days.